Performance Schedule

Friday, August 6th at 7:00 P.M.
Saturday, August 7th at 2:00 P.M.
Sunday, August 8th at 2:00 P.M.

WHERE: Solon Springs School Auditorium

Children 12 years old and under are admission free when accompanied by an adult.

(Free admission for children is made possible by the generous donations from the Lions Club and the RAV'N.)

This is a production of the Solon Springs School District in conjunction
with the Arts & Creativity in Education Taskforce of Northwest Wisconsin.

Music by Charles Strouse
Lyrics by Martin Charnin
Book by Thomas Meehan
Based on the Tribune Media Service Comic Strip, Little Orphan Annie

Broadway Junior Version- MTI's Broadway Junior Collection includes some of Broadway's best-loved musicals which have been specially adapted for young performers-abridged to 60-80 minutes, with music transposed into keys appropiate for young voices.
It's upbeat plot and flamboyant characters have made Annie one of the most beloved musicals in history. The bright, tuneful score is easy to sing and filled with familiar numbers.

Friday, July 9, 2010

We'd like to thank the many people who contributed to this production.

Allouez Antiques, owner Beth Zamzow, for antiques on loan.

Furniture and props on loan from Chuck and Jori Walt and Christine Hensolt.

Grants from LIONS CLUB and the RAV'N.

Lucius Woods Performing Arts for the full page ad free of charge in their summer program.

Custodial Staff of Solon Springs School District: Mark Dahlberg, Susan Smith, Ralph Gunnerson

The Booster Club and PTA for making the new front curtain for the stage.

Mitch Blaylock - Sponsership of Cast Party